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16 Indoor Plants you should have in your Home and Office

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

"Every plant has its own requirements in order to grow and so do people." – MM

Indoor plants you can cultivate in your spaces at home!

Having plants in your home rooms have incredible benefits for your Physical and Mental Health! If you want to learn about those benefits, we invite you to read this article. Now we are going to show you the list of plants that can thrive in your indoor spaces you can cultivate at home.

Large Plants : General Space

Indoor Plants

These indoor type of plants tend to grow up to 15 feet so that's perfect for general spaces in which we can put them on a corner to decorate.

1. Monstera Deliciosa:

This is a tropical plant with origin in Mexico but it's cultivated in almost all of South America it's also called Adan's rib. Monstera's at home won't reach tropical heights but they can still grow between 10 ft up to 15 feet indoors.

  • Light: In its natural environment Monstera is a low-light plant so that's why it's perfect for indoors.

  • Water: Monsteras are tropical but they prefer to have slightly dry soil during active growth. Watering once a week or when you feel 2 inches of dry soil.

  • Humidity: They come from a humid environment so it's important that once a week you water the leaves of the plant.

2. Peace Lily:

This plant is originally from the tropical rainforests of Colombia and Venezuela. In its original environment, it's a plant shadowed by the taller trees in the rainforest. That's why it's so good for indoor environments. They can grow between 1 to 4 ft tall. If it's bland in a smaller planter it won't grow that much so you can use also it on desks and bookshelves and if you plant it on a bigger pot you can use it as a decoration for your space maybe in a corner of the room.

  • Light: In its natural environment Peace Lily is a low-light plant so that's why it's perfect for indoors.

  • Water: Peace lilies are tropical so they prefer warm water. Give your plant regular lukewarm water.

  • Humidity: They come from a humid environment so it's important that once a week you water the leaves of the plant with a splash of water.

3. Snake Plant:

Also known as mother-in-law's tongue. This plant comes from the tropical west region of Africa in a dry climate. In optimal conditions, its height might reach 6 feet tall. This plant is a good choice for beginners, as it doesn't require a lot of maintenance. It's one of the best plants to remove air toxins and pollutants.

  • Light: In its natural environment Snake plant is a low-light plant so that's why it's perfect for indoors.

  • Water: Snake plants come from a dry environment so, they can survive droughts due to their metabolism that exchanges oxygen and CO2. Little watering is needed. Every once in a month will do.

  • Humidity: It comes from a dry environment so no water in leaves or splash is needed.

4. Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant:

This specie also comes from western Africa in lowland rainforests. This plant can reach the height of 3m/ 9 ft tall growing indoors and 15m / 49ft growing outdoors. These plan has been commonly used to decorate indoor spaces.

  • Light: Bright indirect light is the ideal conditions and morning direct light can be beneficial too.

  • Water: Fiddle Leaf plants need frequent watering once a week, as they come from rainforests. But sure you don’t overwater.

  • Humidity: They come from a humid environment so it's important that once a week you water the leaves of the plant with a splash of water.

Start Planting your own Plants at home with these planters

Indoor Trees

This type of trees are perfect for indoor spaces because they don't grow as much as a normal tree but he will give prominent look to your spaces.

5. Money Tree:

This is a tropical wetland tree originally from South America. Some people believe that this plant is a lucky one so if you want to attract luck at home you want to plant this tree.

  • Light: Bright indirect light is the ideal condition and avoids direct sunlight because it might scorch its leaves.

  • Water: Water every one or two weeks. Depending on the season. Usually, the growing season in summer and spring needs more water than in autumn and winter.

  • Humidity: Keep the environment humidity at around 50% and up. If you feel your spaces are a bit dry, you can use humidifiers.

6. Calamondin Orange Tree:

Growing a tree that has fruits, it's not common that you can plant it indoors but this plant can thrive indoors, so you can take advantage of that. This tree is originally from China. It grows a citric acid fruit, that you can eat and enjoy its taste also you can cook with it.

  • Light: This plant needs direct sunlight so if you're planting it indoors you can place it near a window that receives direct sunlight.

  • Water: this plant thrives in warm weather so in summer you should water it more often and in winter leave it a little bit dry.

  • Humidity: They come from a humid environment so it's important that once a week you water the leaves of the plant with a splash of water.

7. Rubber Tree:

This tree is native to the South American Amazon region. These trees are commonly found in low latitude moist forests, and wetlands. This tree produces a milky white sap that is known as latex. This tree can grow up to 100 ft in its natural environment. However, when you cultivate it at home it can grow up to 5ft depending on the area of the planter.

  • Light: Bright indirect light is the ideal condition and morning direct light can be beneficial too.

  • Water: You can water this plant every 7 to 10 days in spring and summer and every 14 to 21 days in fall and winter.

  • Humidity: Tropical plants need humidity levels above 50%. If you feel your environment is dry, you can use humidifiers or wet the leaves or splash.

Hanging Plants

Hanging plants is also another beautiful way to decorate your spaces with plants in case you are in a smaller place they are perfect to be arranged in a corner.

8. English Ivy:

This plant is originally from some regions here up in Africa and brought to the Americas. This plan is well known for being low maintenance as they grow easily without human assistance. These plants can grow in fences, and façades and are also perfect for hanging planters.

  • Light: Bright indirect light but not sun are the ideal conditions, and that's why it makes it perfect for indoor spaces.

  • Water: these plants like dry soil when you're gonna water them be sure that the soil stays dry and don't overwater them, the soil should be more dry than moist.

  • Humidity: Aim to maintain 40% or higher humidity. If your feel your environment is too dry, try using humidifiers.

9. String of Pearls:

This plant is originally from the dry areas of southwest Africa. The way that they grow makes them perfect for hanging planters you can put in a corner of your room. The pea form of their lives is specially designed to store water to thrive in dry climates

  • Light: this plant thrives on a combination of direct and indirect sunlight. It's best if this plant receives direct sunlight in the morning and indirect light in the afternoon.

  • Water: as these plants are designed to grow in dry climates, you can water this plant every 15 days.

  • Humidity: Keep the humidity of the environment at 50% or higher.

Desk, Coffee Tables, Side Tables, Bookshelves & Small Spaces

These smaller plants are perfect to decorate smaller places like desks, bookshelves and other small places, where you can combine them with other decorating elements. Also, if you want to decorate your side table or your coffee table make the plant the main/central decorating part of your arrangement and organize everything around this element.

Small Plants

10. ZZ Plant:

This plant is needed from east Africa. Also known as Emerald Palm and eternity plant. This plant is drought tolerant things to its roots. It is an easy plant because it doesn't require constant maintenance.

  • Light: Bright indirect light is the ideal condition and morning direct light can be beneficial too.

  • Water: this plant comes from a dry environment so you should only word water when you feel the soil is completely dry.

  • Humidity: the humidity of the environment should stay between 40% and 50%. If you feel your environment is too dry you can use humidifiers or water the leaves once in a while.

11. Philodendron:

This plant has its origins in the Caribbean, Colombia, and Venezuela. Also, known as the Heart Leaf due to its heart-shaped leaves. Its name derives from the greek words Philo- or "love, affection" and dendron or tree.

  • Light: Bright indirect light is the ideal condition. Morning direct sunlight can be beneficial too.

  • Water: Generally, this plant can be watered once a week. However, it depends on the environmental conditions. So, check if the soil is dry before that week.

  • Humidity: as this plant comes from the tropical rainforest which is a humid environment, the humidity should be 50% and above.

12. Spider Plant:

This plant has its origins in the African tropical rainforest. The small, elegant white flowers grow on stalks from the heart of the plant, resembling lilies. This plant is easy to take care of.

  • Light: spider plants are prepared to grow in light shadow and they can also thrive in dark shadow but their foliage won’t be as robust.

  • Water: watering this plant once a week it's OK. However, if you feel moist you should wait one or two days until the soil is dry before you water it

  • Humidity: They come from a humid environment so it's important that once a week you water the leaves of the plant with a splash of water. Having a Humid environment between 50% and 60%

Flowers & Arrangements

13. Orchids:

Orchids are beautiful flowers that grow on every continent except Antarctica. Choose the specie you like the most! They're perfect for any space at home and they give a touch of color, harmony, and a good feeling to your space. The benefit of them rather than a Flower arrangement is that as they are planted you don't have to change them constantly and the flowers can last for months and grow again if you take that take care of them properly

  • Light: Bright indirect light is the ideal condition for orchids. Avoid direct sunlight.

  • Water: Water your orchids once a week and avoid overwatering as the root can rot.

  • Humidity: Should be between 40% and 70%. You can use humidifiers in your room if you feel the air dry.

14. Eucalyptus:

It's known as a medical plant. Its smell will delight your home! You can make an arrangement in your vases and it can last longer than flower arrangements. It's also perfect for minimal spaces

  • Light: Bright indirect light is the ideal condition and morning direct light can be beneficial too.

  • Water: Leave the Branches in a vase with water and change it every week.

  • Humidity: Having an environmental humidity of 40% is enough for eucalyptus to thrive!


15. Cactus:

Cactus are plants designed to capture water inside of them. As they live in dry environments like the desert. These characteristics make them plants that need little care and still thrive. You can use this plant to decorate your desk or bookshelves.

  • Light: These plants don't enjoy being in the shade so find the brightest spot possible with direct sunlight.

  • Water: They are designed to store water in their roots and thrive in extremely rough environments. Water your cactus once or twice a month.

  • Humidity: They come from a dry environment. Humidity in the environment should be at between 40% to 50%.

Well, that's all for now. We hope you learn something new and start decorating your home with different types of plants! Mix between big and small plants and thrive with them!

Start Planting your own Plants at home with these pots & Vases

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